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BigGoo Numerical Methods

Add (A, B)

A and B can be any numerical data types (including String) or BigInt or BigGoo object data types.

Returns: C = A + B

Cube (N)

N - Any numerical data type (including String) or BigInt or BigGoo object data types.

Returns N * N * N

CubeRoot (N, Precision)

N - An integer of any data type or BigInt data type object.

Precision - Optional argument. Range is 0 to 53; 0 returns the floor. If omitted, default value is equal to twice the range of the significand.

Divide (A, B)

A and B can be any numerical data types (including String) or BigInt or BigGoo object data types.

Returns: C = A / B

Factorial (N)

N - Integer in the range 1 to 130.

Returns: C = N!

ModN (Dividend, N)

Dividend and N can be any numerical data types (including String) or BigInt or BigGoo object data types. Floating point values are truncated.

Returns the remainder of Dividend / N

Multiply (A, B)

A and B can be any numerical data types (including String) or BigInt or BigGoo object data types.

Returns: C = A * B

Power (Base, Exponent)

Base, Exponent - Any numerical data types.

Returns C = A^B or Base to power Exponent.

Quotient (A, B)

A and B can be any numerical data types (including String) or BigInt or BigGoo object data types.

Returns the quotient of A / B

Square (N)

N - Any numerical data type (including String) or BigInt or BigGoo object data types.

Returns N * N

SquareRoot (N, Precision)

N - An integer of any data type or BigInt data type object.

Precision - Optional argument for desired precision. Range is 0 to 53; 0 returns the floor. If omitted, precision is equal to the range of the significand.

Subtract (A, B)

A and B can be any numerical data types (including String) or BigInt or BigGoo object data types.

Returns: C = A – B

SumN (N)

N - An integer of any numerical data type.

Returns the summation of a sequence of integers in the range of 1 to N.